A Few Short Stories: Keys 988 - 991

A Few Short Stories: Keys 988 - 991








I'm very blessed to have "advocates" for this key making adventure - people who like or comment and generally encourage me; people who bring me opportunities to share the keys; people who send me positive messages of kindred projects and tell me to believe in myself; people who bring me cool bits that they no longer have a use for; and people who bring me other people with cool bits.

Key 988 is made from the cool bits of a friend of an advocate who gifted me a collection of gemstones (carefully labelled and stored in small once-white envelopes) along with some interesting jewelry. The shaft is made from half a bracelet I picked up at a garage sale last year and the end features a beautiful turquoise/blue piece from the envelope collection. The black disc with the rhinestone on the end of the one side was part of an earring that covered the nautical wheel on the other end (also from the same friend of a friend)...I discovered the two parts when I accidentally dropped the earring and it came apart - a happy accident!








Key 989 is made from the other half of the bracelet I used in Key 988. I straightened out these bracelet pieces in a vise. So much easier to crank the vice then try to pound out the metal. I love the beautiful sparkly heart on the end!

I bought a real camera a month or so ago and am working at improving my photos. Some days I think I'm getting better results than I was from my tablet and other days I just don't know. I couldn't decide which photos to choose for this blog so I put in some extra!

Key 990 is made with a squished bracelet (that little vise I bought for my worktable is sure coming in handy!); a lovely piece of jewelry from The Altered Diva; the inner pieces of a watch; some rhinestones; part of a necklace; and a silver moon from an amazing heavily decorated belt I had in the 80's.








Key 991 is made mostly from bits that I got in a small "free" box at the very large Montgomery Place garage sale this year. The large screw that I built it on is an odd yellowish colour but it toned down OK once I added the other pieces. I love the little light bulb on the end.






Keys 992 - 997 Computer Parts and Other Bits

Key 987 - Stop and See the Roses