Sai Hankuri: Key 1000

Sai Hankuri: Key 1000

I don't remember where I saw the phrase sai hankuri.

It means "There is only patience".

A good motto for this 5000 key project.

Key 1000 is made out of a bracelet, a broken nutcracker, and a perfume bottle. 

Somewhere around Key 300 (or October, 2015) I coated this 1000th key with a layer of resin. Every time I've used resin since that date I've added another layer. That's over years of resin coats! Periodically I've used a file and/or a Dremel tool to clean up the inevitable resin drips.

Originally I thought I'd resin this key until I reached 5000 but last week I thought - nah - it's done!

Here it is - Key 1000:

So now I've made 1000 keys - just going to take a little moment to celebrate:

YAY 1000!

Significant I think. 

Sai hankuri








Key 1001 - A Cinderella Story

Key 1001 - A Cinderella Story

Keys 998 - 999

Keys 998 - 999