Keys 1712 - 1724 The Embroidery Goes On...

Keys 1712 - 1724 The Embroidery Goes On...

My work life is still overshadowing my personal life and I am hopeful that with the promise of spring the promise of a smaller (need this job to pay the bills) load is also in sight!

I have been managing to fit in some needlework here and there and I still have other plans for my “childhood crafts revisited” series. I am excited to work through those plans, have decided to ignore my disappointment at how long this exploration is taking, and, most importantly, am making a commitment to myself to say things like “I have plenty of time to accomplish what I need to do” and “I’ll get this done in a relaxed and easy manner” instead of my current stressing about “I don’t have time to even make a to-do list let alone get through it.”

And look…I made this blog post so clearly things are moving along!

Here are my latest keys:

Key 1712 -1.JPG
Key 1713 - 1.JPG
Key 1714 - 1.JPG
Key 1715 - 1.JPG
Key 1716 - 1.JPG
Key 1717 - 1.JPG
Key 1718 - 1.JPG
Key 1719 - 1.JPG
Key 1721 - 1.JPG
Key 1722 - 1.JPG
Key 1723 - 1.JPG
Keys 1725 - 1731 - Mostly Embroidery and One Encaustic Experiment

Keys 1725 - 1731 - Mostly Embroidery and One Encaustic Experiment

Rollover 1700!! Keys 1694 - 1711

Rollover 1700!! Keys 1694 - 1711