Crop, Copy, Cut, Paste, and Try New Things: Keys 2142 - 2144

Crop, Copy, Cut, Paste, and Try New Things: Keys 2142 - 2144

What a wonder to take pieces of the photos of my keys and put them together in new ways. I still wonder about how creative it is to make things through a few clicks…and then I think about the encouragement people give me — “yes you can do that” — “yes that counts” — “you make the rules”. And I remember how much energy I’ve put into learning how to take a better photo and edit it and the effort that has gone into the original physical keys…it all counts…all the parts. Here are my early attempts at cropping, cutting, copying, and pasting new keys together (oh yeah and adding filters and other edits too):

The Grand Farewell: Keys 2145 - 2151

The Grand Farewell: Keys 2145 - 2151

Ode to Invention: Keys 2135 - 2141

Ode to Invention: Keys 2135 - 2141