Collage Creations: Keys 2204 and 2205

Collage Creations: Keys 2204 and 2205

Hmm…found this in my drafts folder today…sometimes I get mixed up and misnumber keys but I think this is the first time I have missed blogging about the keys in the order they are created. Sigh. Maybe fitting that a key based around a celebratory wine glass and a key based on Dr. Who both appear at Christmas time!

For “Splendour in the Glass” I took a photo of an ornate wine glass that was recently gifted to me and altered Key 2000 to live in this design as Key 2204. Initially I had more keys in this image but they didn’t work. Always good to remove what isn’t working!

A friend saw my Time Travels On poster and asked if I could build a TARDIS out of keys…this key was created to honour his request. The body of the key is made from an image of a sonic screwdriver, the bits at the end are images of the TARDIS, and the bow contains an image of the planet Gallifrey.

Steady as She Goes: Keys 2241 - 2256

Steady as She Goes: Keys 2241 - 2256

La Vie en Rose: Keys 2226 - 2240

La Vie en Rose: Keys 2226 - 2240