Pyrography: Keys 1429 - 1438

Pyrography: Keys 1429 - 1438

The Great Reminiscing continues...

I don't remember how old I was when the Design-A-Matic woodburning kit arrived in our house (9 maybe?)...or if I was allowed to use it or just decided for myself one night that I could handle the heat! I do remember how very hot the metal tips were and how precarious they were to change. There was a metal tip changer that took the tips off but didn't do the greatest job of securing the tips on! I have a memory of burning in the flower design. I'm pretty sure the cat and dog design were beyond my skill level. Perhaps my older brother tackled that one. And perhaps the kit was his and I was the one who decided we should "share".

For this series I used a Creative Versa-Tool; not as fancy as the Razertip Wood burning Systemavailable at Lee Valley but a tool that I already owned. It was easier to use than the Design-A-Matic although I have a long way to go before I'd be what could be called proficient! I used carbon paper to transfer the design to the wood. I would not recommend this method as the carbon markings were impossible to erase.

Here are the results:

Key 1439: Adventures in String Art

Key 1439: Adventures in String Art

Maybe Dorothy Was Right About Not Looking Farther Than Your Own Backyard: Keys 1425 - 1428

Maybe Dorothy Was Right About Not Looking Farther Than Your Own Backyard: Keys 1425 - 1428