Adventures with Resin: Keys 1771 - 1780

Adventures with Resin: Keys 1771 - 1780

It had been so long since I used my Ecopoxy Resin that the resin (part A) started to gel up and get cloudy. Luckily for me there is a way to counteract this - heat. Unluckily for me I didn’t realize that heat meant hot water and not boiling hot water. I knew that the working time of the ecopoxy was shortened by heating but wasn’t prepared for it to suddenly turn to a thick gel before I was done covering my keys. I should have just poured the resin over everything right away. Oh well. Sometimes making art is about learning practical lessons.

Here are the latest keys:

Key 1771 one side.JPG
Key 1772 one side.JPG
Key 1774.JPG

Keys 1781 - 1784

Keys 1781 - 1784

Sunprints: Keys 1759 - 1770

Sunprints: Keys 1759 - 1770